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Why use ASM Sports?

October 18, 2023

ASM Sports

Did you know that NCAA Division I coaches receive anywhere from 60-80 emails a week from recruits? Division II and Division III follow closely behind. Consequently, over 55% of all ASM’s coach communication is answered. That doesn’t even include the personal one-on-one relationships we have directly with numerous Division I coaches? As a result, if you are trying to walk through this recruiting process alone, remember only 2% of high school athletes go on to receive college athletic scholarships. Signing with ASM Scholarships is going to give you a better chance at earning one.

Conversely, of those 80 emails that college coaches receive, each coach only ends up committing roughly two student-athletes per year to their roster? This is why you need a team that has direct communication with those coaches. A team that knows how to get you the most amount of scholarship monies. Furthermore, it is not just about coach communication. The laundry list of academic and other eligibility requirements that need to be meticulously handled is done best by our team of former college coaches and athletes. Our team is the best in the business. Meet some of the team and see how we do it here.

The average athletic scholarship is about $18,000 per NCAA Division I student-athlete, based on numbers provided by the NCAA, this is an amount that typically won’t cover annual college costs. Only 59% of Division I players and 62% of Division II players received an athletic scholarship. On average ASM Scholarships earns each student-athlete over $35,000 a year, that’s over $17,000 more than the national average. Sure, you can try to navigate this process on your own, but why lose out on all that money? Contact one of our athlete consultants today.

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